Statement of Intent - March 2024

At the AGM the Commodore announced the creation of a living document called the “Statement of Intent” this sets out some targets for the Management Committee over the medium term.

Our Vision

To be an inclusive, diverse and friendly yacht club. A leader in engagement and service delivery to our members and local community.

Our Missions

To develop and increase particiaption in sailing and other watersports through the yacht club and the community

To provide quality services and facilities to our membership and guests

To foster a positive, diverse and inclusive club culture

To support and develop the next generation of water users

Our Core Values

Sustainability: We believe that environment damage is avoidable so will do everything reasonably practicable to reduce this

Trust and Integrity: We will make ethical and honest decisions for the benefit of the Club and its members and be transparent in all our dealings

Passionate and Committed: We will work with a can-do attitude and be committed to quality outcomes for our members and guests

Respectful and Considerate: We will respect people from all walks of life and be considerate of the needs of our members, guests, the community and environment

Progressive yet true to our history and traditions: We will continue to be progressive in our thinking to ensure we proposer and grow, while honouring our rich maritime heritage

Friendship and Fellowship: We will foster a friendly Club atmosphere for our members and guests